“It is poetry that effortlessly moves the heavens and earth, awakens the world of invisible spirits to deep feeling, softens the relationship between men and women, and consoles the hearts of fierce warriors.”

Jane Hirshfield  (1953 -     )

selected poems

Nance Reynolds

poetry and healing

“ I dreamed that I floated at will in the great Ether, and I saw this world

 floating also not far off, but diminished to the size of an apple.

Then an angel took it in his hand and brought it to me and said,

“This must thou eat.” And I ate the world.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

 Poetry is forever woven with healing and healing has forever been woven with poems. The heartfelt expression of fear, suffering, beauty, and mystery both connects and releases us. To know these universal experiences, to belong to them with belonging and courage.


Throughout the centuries voice and song, myth and story, ritual, and poetry speak of life.  Our poems echo the present culture and also serve to integrate our humanity- our dreams, imagination, and losses echo the collective voice of humanity.


Slowing down to write, listen, receive, and wonder has potential to deepen our connection to our own interior life. Granted, the experience may reveal both the comforting and the terrifying…. and perhaps, for this honesty we begin to cultivate appreciation.

let’s connect